Lepburnt !
As you know from me volleyball history (from me previous entry), I'm a pro. They don't call me Spiker Lep for nothin'! Well, we leprechauns don't ever use sunblock. Normally our lep coats block all the sun out. And, with a little luck, we never get burnt. I guess me guard was down this past weekend, because me hands got scorched!
Ouch! Be careful, Lep.
I normally where a hat to keep from getting my face burned. You might want to throw on your Top Hat. Just be careful cuz I've got MAD SKILLZ on the Volleyball court. So bring it Lep and I'll show you what's up.
Peace Out,
Check Yo' self, before you wreck yo' self
Don't bring that weak ass sh$% around here. I'll stuff your red hand back into the sand. Making the sand Red. Please buy "REDSAND" clothing. Anyway, stay off the nets or I'll block you back into the stone age.
Stick to your Gode Lep-boy.
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