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Lucky's Pot o' Gold

They're always after me Lucky Charms...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Me Leplicense.

As y'all now know about me Lepmobile and the Leparking, let me tell ya that I've got me Driver's Leplicense, too! Sadly, they don't just let us wee li'l leprechauns just drive on the roads willy nilly. When I was a young laddie, I had to take the test just like all you humans out there. And I gotta tell ya, it ain't easy when you can barely see over the dashboard! Anyway, not only do we leprechauns have wee li'l legs, but we have lead feet! I've been caught by the Lepolice one too many times and now I've got to retake the test to prove me skills. And that leads me to me next point...I'm not likin' the DMV too much these days. I won't be gettin' any respect. Maybe it's because I'm the only leprechaun in these parts. They won't even honor me appointments....well, at least not on the days that I didn't schedule an appointment. Well, I gotta take me test now, so wish me luck! Oh yeah, that's right...I've got me own luck. Anyway, here's a picture of me Leplicense that I have to get renewed.


At 4:23 PM, Blogger Russell said...

Wow, I never knew you had it that hard. Sorry, Lep.

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats cool you're an organ donor. you're a friendly little leprachaun

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that the DMV was nice enough to let you wear your Lep-hat. They are normally sticklers about extraneous gear. "Good Luck" and I hope you rock the test.


At 9:30 PM, Blogger Ferg said...

Wow Lucky, I had no idea you were so old. You may be a spry 228, but for safety's sake maybe they shouldn't let you drive any more.

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when a leprechaun donates an organ can it be used by a normal human or does it have to be used by a leprechaun? Also, would your organs be useful for a full size adult or better used for children and midgets?


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