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Lucky's Pot o' Gold

They're always after me Lucky Charms...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Leprechaun News

I just can't shake 'em. The media's after me lucky charms! Look at this recent article....they're calling it Leprechaun Mania! (ARTICLE 1)

And then they even caught a picture of me house and me mailbox on the street. Of course I don't want anyone parking in front of me mailbox. I can barely reach inside when it's clear! Me Lucky Charms are all over the news.

We Lucky Leprechauns have a hard life.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Me Leplicense.

As y'all now know about me Lepmobile and the Leparking, let me tell ya that I've got me Driver's Leplicense, too! Sadly, they don't just let us wee li'l leprechauns just drive on the roads willy nilly. When I was a young laddie, I had to take the test just like all you humans out there. And I gotta tell ya, it ain't easy when you can barely see over the dashboard! Anyway, not only do we leprechauns have wee li'l legs, but we have lead feet! I've been caught by the Lepolice one too many times and now I've got to retake the test to prove me skills. And that leads me to me next point...I'm not likin' the DMV too much these days. I won't be gettin' any respect. Maybe it's because I'm the only leprechaun in these parts. They won't even honor me appointments....well, at least not on the days that I didn't schedule an appointment. Well, I gotta take me test now, so wish me luck! Oh yeah, that's right...I've got me own luck. Anyway, here's a picture of me Leplicense that I have to get renewed.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


As most of you know, there are special parking spaces for the handicapped and pregnant women. Well, finally, we leprechauns have our day! Introducing the Leparking Spot. Whenever you see this sign, don't be parking there unless you're a leprechaun, ya hear? We have special spots since we have wee li'l legs and huge noggins.

And, if ya see me on the road, don't be laughin' cause me head sticks out of me car when I drive. Maybe I should buy me a convertible instead of me Lepmobile.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Lep Master Yo

Yeah, that's what they call me. We leprechauns got mad yo skills. I dare ya to challenge me. "Walk the dog and jump through the hoop?" Cinch. "Around the Corner?" Come on, challenge me. "The Motorcycle?" Too easy. I'm Lep Master Yo! When you see me (assuming you're lucky) ask me and I'll show you the "Dog Bite" and the "Three Leaf Clover".